Remote Multifaceted Interactive

Escape Room as a kick-off Team Event and Serious Gaming

With our kick-off events we enable your teams to get together in a contemplative and exciting way. Choose your favorite format from various Escape Rooms and turn your kick-off event into an unforgettable team experience. Convince yourself in a trial event (Tuesdays 10 am)!
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Gripping stories, thrilling adventures, excitement and cooperation: that is what makes escape rooms so special. Experience the great fascination of an online escape game in your company with ePlayces. As a study of the MIT confirms: stories stay in the mind 21 times (1) longer than dry facts.
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It does not matter whether the focus in your company is on pure gaming fun or on innovative talent attraction, contemporary knowledge transfer with the help of game based learning or on playful online assessment centres. With so-called serious gaming and online escape rooms from the market leader ePlayces, you will create unique experiences that burn themselves into the minds of the participants.
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Not only do escape games create positive emotions but they also contribute to the retention of existing employees and the talent attraction of (potential) applicants. As online games, they offer a high scalability for a large number of players. They can easily be integrated into digital communication platforms and demonstrate modern collaboration in the context of the New Work movement. Learn more →

With our Christmas events we enable your teams to get together in a contemplative and exciting way. Choose your favorite format from various XMAS Escape Rooms and make your Christmas party an unforgettable team experience. Convince yourself in a trial event (Tuesdays 10 am)! 
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Start the year 2023 with real team motivaion and request Online Escape Games as a kick-off event!
All possibilities of our Online Escape Games:

Your employees work remotely or are scattered over many locations and should still meet in a relaxed atmosphere with fun? Escape games from ePlayces as online team events offer the perfect setting. Learn more →

You want to draw graduates’ attention to your employer brand in a positive way? Serious Escape Games creatively showcase your employer brand and can be used as part of holistic recruiting campaigns in the sense of recruitainment and to expand your talent pool. Learn more →

You are looking for an icebreaker for a virtual onboarding event in which you can communicate values, facts and visions of your company? We can tell you from experience: Very good idea! We are happy to support you. Learn more →

You want to develop your employees to expand the general skillset and secure the future of your company? We contextualize the learning content in an exciting Escape Game story. Your employees learn playfully and together! Learn more →

Your company is merging and the different departments should get to know each other in a relaxed way? Escape Gaming is perfectly suited for the motivational accompaniment of such change processes in order to associate the changes with positive emotions. Learn more →

The company Christmas party should take place virtually? Then use an XMAS Online Escape Room from ePlayces. Brand new: XMAS Escape Room with Tasting Box. The Online Escape Room for all senses. Learn more →

Our Christmas Special:
Lost Christmas with Christmas Snacks

You can now add a tasting box to the Lost Christmas game. The snacks are interactively linked to the puzzles in the game. So in addition to clever minds, your sense of smell and taste is also in demand! Have an experience for all your senses with chocolates, egg punch, roasted almonds, and Christmas spread and tea!

Our use cases with Serious Escape
Games & Online Team Events as a Escape Room

In-house development, corporate branding or adaptation of existing escape games – there is a wide range of possibilities to pass on company-specific content in an immersive and playful way. Get a first impression through our use cases for the application serious escape games in employer branding, recruiting & corporate learning. Let yourself be inspired!

Online Escape Games as a kick-off event. With real team motivation into the year 2023

Do you want your company’s success to go in only one direction this year – and that’s steeply upwards? Use the momentum of the new year for a kick-off event 2023 with action, fun and enthusiasm guaranteed. With our team events, we ensure that you and your employees can go full throttle right from the start.


Gamification and Serious Games in Your Company


As one of the most experienced providers in Germany, ePlayces has already successfully designed and implemented over 2,500 online events and serious gaming projects for companies from a wide range of industries. Combining our expertise in game development with your requirements and needs will inspire all participants of your very own game.

Creative game designer & experienced consultants will find the right concept for your online escape game

Are you still looking for a team-building event or a USP for your recruitment campaign? Maybe you want to modernise your personnel development with the help of game-based learning and simply need a sparring partner to discuss with? Contact us for a free initial consultation and we will brainstorm of what can be implemented in your company without any obligations. We are only one call away!

There are no limits to your imagination – and our experienced game designers’ imagination is almost limitless, as well. Because immersive story telling leaves a lot of room for creativity. We are convinced: There is no employer, no training content and no occasion that cannot be transformed into an exciting escape game and turn the participants – your applicants or employees – into the protagonists of a unique online-experience. Our team made of dramaturgs, narrative designers and programmers is not only overflowing with ideas but can also turn them into reality for your company. Here are the masterpieces from our game design that will create a great team event – with or without company-specific details.

Erfahrene Moderatoren bei Online Escape Rooms

Browser based
escape games

eplayces erlebnis spielauswahl customization

Large game selection & customization

Netzwerk Checks bei Online Escape Rooms inklusive

Network Check

Statistische Auswertungen bei Online Escape Rooms

4 - 6 player in one team,
up to 1500 people

Teambuilding with Online Escape Rooms as a Team Event from the market leader

As a market-leading German company in the field of online team building, we offer you innovative and captivating virtual event concepts based on the thrilling idea of escape rooms.

Experience exciting, purely digital corporate events with us, which are browser-based and playable from different locations thanks to their practical online formats. The game is suitable for all players who enjoy a virtual adventure. Inspire your team and your customers or embark on a mission with your friends. Your group will be challenged to uncover hidden clues and solve a series of puzzles that require collaboration, creative problem solving, and thinking outside the box. The moment when you complete the game will give you a real buzz and sense of achievement. Fight your way through an exciting escape room together and play like there is no tomorrow!

Immersive adventures -

Our Online Escape Games for your company

Experience a cooperative or competitive adventure with one of these exciting online escape rooms:

Whether as an unchanged team event or with adaptations to your company: Our games are tried and trusted, absolute fun while playing is guaranteed. Individualisations from an integrated company logo to a completely adapted story just for you will provide your company with that little bit of extra awareness. You can find a few ideas in our use cases – we will be happy to advise you.

Book your free trial event now or get information about ePlayces team events directly online!

Theresa Blaschke

Leader Online Events

Telephone: +49 351 21169000

You want to apply Serious Escape Gaming to your HR services? Contact your Thorben now, he is happy to help:

Thorben Steenmanns

Leader Serious Gaming

Mobile: +49 179 5578266


Hear what other participants have to say
about Escape Games with ePlayces

As a “first mover” in the field of online team events, we distinguish ourselves through good ideas, experience and a high standard of professionalism and quality. ePlayces is formed by a network of escape room specialists that has been enriching company events for years and has gained great expertise in the area of B2B escape room concepts.

Saje Asgari
Saje Asgari
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We celebrated our Christmas party with a virtual Escape Room game. The organization and the moderation or accompaniment were excellent. The puzzle was challenging, but thanks to very good operator guidance and helpful hints at the right time, we had a lot of fun and had the solution in time. Absolutely recommendable!
Thomas August
Thomas August
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Very good preparation and execution despite short notice request. Very entertaining team building activity. Good support during the game to avoid frustration if necessary. Gladly again at the next event...
Stefan Wimmer
Stefan Wimmer
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Really funny, and really cool made. So far, I only knew the principle of the "Escape Room", but have played it neither in real nor online. It was a great experience, it was fun, and the support (Saskia) was really great. We played with three groups against each other (4-5 people each). It was worth it, gladly again.
Sandra Garay
Sandra Garay
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We participated in the online escape game as a team as part of our Christmas party and had a really good time that flew by. Technically, everything worked wonderfully, the case was cleverly thought out and the clues were well placed. The game leader Niklas coordinated our team of 16 investigators in different groups very well and brought everyone back together at the end. Thank you very much, very clear recommendation!
Christian Teubner
Christian Teubner
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The task set (solving a criminal case) was really varied and challenging. With a time limit of one hour, out of 4 teams, two just made it and two very narrowly failed, but all participants found it very entertaining.
Mirco B.
Mirco B.
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We participated today as part of a company event. The two game leaders led us through the story "Diamond Fever" in a sympathetic and confident manner. The story was well structured and could be completed in the allotted time. It was fun, and we'd be happy to do it again.